But this is just in UK domain and not in other countries. Still, it provides some Global Facts. Some interesting facts are emerging out of this.
- Users are 1.5 times more attentive when browsing YouTube than when watching TV.
- 36% of UK consumers have bought a CD after watching a music video on YouTube.
- Shoppers have become suspicious of many TV ads: in a shoppers survey by Wall Street Journal, 78% of them said that TV ads no longer have enough information they need.
- There are 1.6 billion people online worldwide, representing nearly 24% of the world's population.
Till now Data is provided by the following vendors: B2Bonline.com, BARB, BusinessWeek, Coke, Commission of the European Communities, Comscore, Core Metrics, Datamonitor, Deloitte, The Economist, eMarketer, Enders Analysis, Eurostat, Film Distributors Association, Financial Times, Forrester, GFK, Google Insights for Search, Greenbee.com, Guardian, HarvardBusiness.org, Hitwise, IAB, IFPI, IMF, Internet Retailing, Internetworldstats.com, JP Morgan, KMPG, Media & Marketing, Mediascope Europe, Mindshare, Motorola, Net Imperative, New York Magazine, Nielsen, NMA, Ofcom, Ipsos MediaCT, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, QuickPlay Media Inc., Retail Week, Reuters, TGI Net, Times Online, TNS, Verdict Research, Wall Street Journal, WARC, YouTube, ZenithOptimedia, GM
Internet Stats: Google