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The Best Search Engine (Filedigg)
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The Best Search Engine 2009
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The Best Search Engine 2009
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FileDigg (Search Made Simple)
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PPT Search Engine
FileDigg provides advanced features for searching qualitative information on the internet.
Now searching your information is so easy in FileDigg. FileDigg provides flexible features for users needs.
FileDigg is a Search engine with additional features, it saves users a lot of time.. Only FileDigg has search by file type option. Where users can search for files like PDF PPT etc.
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Now searching your information is so easy in FileDigg. FileDigg provides flexible features for users needs.
FileDigg is a Search engine with additional features, it saves users a lot of time.. Only FileDigg has search by file type option. Where users can search for files like PDF PPT etc.
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PPT Search Engine
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FileDigg is a Indian search engine like Google. But, FileDigg has additional features compared to Google like Search for file type PDF PPT etc.
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And here in Ajax we are telecasting live cricket in this page only. Users can search while they watch cricket. Google only gives latest score while users search.
FileDigg is more users friendly.
FileDigg provides real time facility. What ever results users get is from Google but FileDigg filters results. FileDigg provides you what you need exactly. FileDigg filters in file type and real time.
What ever you users search in Google .they will get only dump of websites. But users will not get exactly what they need. This is what FileDigg provides you.
What is the difference between FileDigg and Ajax FileDigg?
In Ajax here you can see at top we are providing at same time results with different file formats on top of the page. Ajax fetches results from all file formats at once. Ajax FileDigg also provides document results from Scribd, Slideshare and docStoc.
And here in Ajax we are telecasting live cricket in this page only. Users can search while they watch cricket. Google only gives latest score while users search.
India?s Next Celebrities: Entrepreneurs
Forbes Column 2009: India’s Next Celebrities: Entrepreneurs http://bit.ly/U6cZ5
Why Twitter Lists are Useful...
Robert Scoble explains why Twitter Lists are useful & how they have changed the way he uses the Web. http://bit.ly/2IvLRi
Stop or Save IE6 - Its upto You To Decide???
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15 Google Interview Questions That Will Make You Feel Stupid $GOOG by @nichcarlson http://bit.ly/1rOKAF

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Learn the lessons of history: Those who spend on marketing in down economies gain share when markets rebound. http://ping.fm/Ysl26
Do you like discovering good new iPhone apps? here's 5 recommendation services that do that, compared http://ping.fm/ww2Cg
Check out http://listorious.com list directory too RT @Twitter_Tips: r/t The complete introduction to Twitter lists: http://j.mp/2D31cD
3 steps to handling difficult conversations: 1) ask questions, 2) actually listen, 3) repeat and summarize
The realtime search revolution is here. Google, Bing, Yahoo. But who will win. http://bit.ly/3WFYKi
New deal could mean 28% of search 4 Bing, 71% 4 Google. Microsoft seen as Diller's best bet for Ask.com http://bit.ly/35mDFL
What is a browser?
There are some funny stats collected by a Google guy among his friends. People say "I know which Car i drive but when asked about which browser you use they are confused about web browsers — even though the browser is one of the most-used programs on computers.
To popularize Google Chrome and to bring awareness among web illiterates couple of Google Guys have launched a website whatbrowser.
The site gives equally simple text tutorials on how to change a homepage, a default search engine, and a default browser. Credit must go to the "folks" at Google for making these parts of the site accessible to the average Internet user, something that is difficult for a justifiably biased technology company to do.
How To's
The "Under the Hood" section of the site seemed like it might give the geekier among us some food for thought with regard to browser performance. It contained this history lesson of a browser timeline from Wikipedia and a series of diagnostic tests, mostly related to browsers' processing of JavaScript.
Graphs & Charts
And at the end they ask you to try a new browser
Online Shopping Sites in India and their Popularity
Online Shopping in India is picking up at fast pace. For Diwali even crackers are sold online by a Hyderabad based company Megastar Fireworks. Lot of new online shopping sites are launching their sites.
Among the old ones which existed from couple of years eBay leads. Of course the popularity of eBay is decreasing and four other sites are gaining popularity.
Indiaplaza (Alexa India Rank: 628), homeshop18 (Alexa India Rank: 564), naaptol (Alexa India Rank: 405), futurebazaar (Alexa India Rank: 414) are going at the same pace. (These ranks are at the time of writing this article.)
Few new entrants have come in which are doing quite well are Shopcorn (2 Years Old), ratetag (4 Years Old), retailsdirect (2 years Old). Among these retailsdirect - India's First Online Interactive Store leads.
To know more about shopping offers, coupons and sale in different states and cities in India. Visit SavingsMela.
Windows 7 to be released on Oct 22? Is India Ready for it.
Well the million dollar question is - Should you or shouldn’t you upgrade to Windows 7 from your existing OS (XP/Vista)?
In India lot of people still use Windows XP as their OS. They didnt even bothered to migrate to Windows Vista. Most of the indian PC's come with lower hardware configuration. Still lot of people use Windows 98, 2000 and older versions of OS.
Technically its not advisable to upgrade your OS unless you have minimum 1 GB RAM. Microsoft itself doesn’t recommend any config of less than 1 GB. Then there’s the hard disk space needed for the OS, it needs about 10-12 GB of hard drive space just for itself.
If we see the web trends craze, Windows 7 popularity has picked up in a good amount. But still popularity of windows xp did not decrease it is just in uptrend. And Vista has become stagnant in its growth.
Note: For Corporate Customers Plan to be Off Windows XP by Year-End 2012 — Microsoft will support Windows XP with security fixes into April of 2014.
In India lot of people still use Windows XP as their OS. They didnt even bothered to migrate to Windows Vista. Most of the indian PC's come with lower hardware configuration. Still lot of people use Windows 98, 2000 and older versions of OS.
Technically its not advisable to upgrade your OS unless you have minimum 1 GB RAM. Microsoft itself doesn’t recommend any config of less than 1 GB. Then there’s the hard disk space needed for the OS, it needs about 10-12 GB of hard drive space just for itself.
If we see the web trends craze, Windows 7 popularity has picked up in a good amount. But still popularity of windows xp did not decrease it is just in uptrend. And Vista has become stagnant in its growth.
Note: For Corporate Customers Plan to be Off Windows XP by Year-End 2012 — Microsoft will support Windows XP with security fixes into April of 2014.
Windows 7 popularity is more in the following Indian States of Assam, Goa, Orissa, Rajasthan, Kerala, Delhi and in terms of cities poularity is more in Delhi and followed by Mangalore, Mahape, Chennai, Bangalore, New Delhi, Mumbai, Surat, Bhopal, Hyderabad.
Time should tell us how Windows 7 will be received by the internet world. If i search for windows 7 bugs list i get " Results 1 - 10 of about 152,000,000 for windows 7 bugs list. (0.41 seconds)" in Google.
Microsoft has already started working on 128 Bit OS in its Windows 8 and Windows 9 versions.
Buy and Sell Trends in India
Indians are picking up in online shopping and getting online reviews about different products. If we see the trends from 2004 Indian's are Buying more through online shopping. The Sell trend is continuing with the same popularity.
Google Suggestions gives buyers trend towards used cars, mobile, books, laptop, iphone. People see reviews and suggestions on things which they are buying.
Searches which are going to peak out with Buy trends are Dell Laptops, Property Buying, Buying on eBay.
Google Suggestions gives Sellers trend towards Cars, Property, Bike, Mobile, Used Cards, Photos, Paintings.
Searches which are going to peak out with Sell trends are Land, House, Sell Online, Short Selling in Stocks.
State wise Buy and Sell trends in India shows Karnataka, Maharashtra, Delhi, Haryana, Goa lead in India.
And in terms of cities Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Surat, Mangalore, Pune, Mahape, Chennai, New Delhi, Hyderabad, Calcutta lead in Buy trends.
In Sell trend Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Surat, Pune, Mahape, Mangalore, Chennai, Calcutta, New Delhi
Hyderabad, Bhopal lead.
Stop / Save IE6 - Its up to you to decide?
Lot of buzz is going on these days to Stop the usage of IE6. CNN has come up with an article to stop the usage of IE6.
If you still want to use Internet Explorer better upgrade to IE7 or IE8 and enjoy the web browsing experience.
You might be asking yourself two questions right now: What’s so bad about IE6? And why do so many people (Web Browser Popularity in India) still use it? The answer to the first question is relatively simple: Internet Explorer 6 is outdated technology in a rapidly-changing Internet landscape. Imagine trying to use the social web, Microsoft Office, iTunes, IM, your video games, and all of your desktop apps…with a computer from 2001 (20 GB of space, 256 MB of RAM, anyone?). It’s the same thing: a great deal of new web technology is simply incompatible with IE6.
The Next step HTML 5
HTML (hypertext markup language) is the code that helps shape the world wide web – you’ve all probably used an HTML tag (especially if you blog) or played with HTML at some point. HTML 5 is the next revision of the HTML language, and the features that are coming with it are a doozy. And surely IE6 doesnt support it.
Below are couple of sites who are against IE6.
I was able to find only one site asking to save IE6.
Web Browser Popularity in India
This is my first post on Hot Indian Trends. Wanted to start this blog by giving some analysis on web browsers. I like to use different browsers for different needs and web browser is the basic thing required on a PC these days.
Well, if we see the usage of different web browsers IE still leads in the usage but, its decreasing gradually and giving way for firefox. There is a big movement going on in internet circles about stopping the usage of ie6.
If we take the keywords (Firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari, Opera) which are searched or downloaded most on internet Firefox leads. Firefox is going to pickup in few years and has to overtake IE. There is a campaign going on to spread the word of Firefox and Firefox has already celebrated 1 Billion downloads.
If you would like to participate in Firefox Projects do so. Here is the link. I have already registered.
This April Google Chrome overtook Internet Explorer in terms of keyword searched for. Opera and Safari are still picking up.
As PC sales zoom and internet is picking up in India most PC's still come with IE as the default browser. We might see the same trend or a decrease in trend continuing for IE in future as well. Firefox will keep its uptrend continuing and may leave a long gap behind for others to catch on. By the way, IE is the most preferred browser in the corporate world government sectors. That will keep IE floating for a while.
Google Chrome might pickup late next year as they introduce more features and addons. There were some exceptions noticed. States of Assam and Goa have the most usage of Firefox and Chrome.
17 Creative Anti-Smoking Ads
October 8th, 2009 | Inspiration |

Clever anti-smoking campaigns and creative advertising designed to get people to quit smoking.
Smoking Is Poison
12 meter long chemical tanker that looks like a cigarette was created by Cancer Research UK to highlight the toxic smoke in cigarettes. [link]

Passive Smoking Kills
Every year nearly 3,400 people die in UK from lung cancer caused by passive smoking. [link]

The Smoker's Lung
The smoker's glass lung was installed in front of public buildings in Germany to encourage people to quit smoking.

Tobacco Related Deaths
Terrorism-related deaths since 2001: 11,377. Tobacco-related deaths since 2001: 30,000,000. [link]

World No Tobacco Day
No Tobacco Day is observed around the world every year on May 31. [link]

Smoking Crime Scene

Second Hand Smoke
Roy Castle lung cancer foundation reminds us that second hand smoke hospitalises 17,000 UK children a year. [link]

Anti-Smoking Stickers
Stickers for quitsmoke.us were places on cars and around smoking areas.

Smoking Causes Premature Aging

Smoker's Morning
Toothbrush made from cigarettes and toothpaste make from ash. [link]

Slow Death
Smoking causes slow and painful death. Quit now!

Effect of Smoking on Lungs
Not an ad, but still a thought provoking image by Sancho Hemelsoen. [link]

Cigarette Lipstick
Think it makes you pretty? Clever advertisement from Moscow.

Anti-Smoking Billboard
Using 15,000 cigarettes butts, glued together one by one in an outdoor panel, the Peruvian League of fight against cancer demonstrated the damage that a person who smokes causes to his family.

Marlboro .44 Magnum

Fight Smoking Punching Bag
Exercise is a great way to control the urge to smoke. Go on knock that cigarette out.

Weapons of Mass Destruction
The text is written with systematic arrangement of cigarettes. [link]

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Time frame search is provided to know latest (24 Hrs, 1 Week, 1 Month, 1 Year) results of the search query.
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Very Good Article on How Twitter Buzz Is Built http://bit.ly/2Wmhtn
14 Rules for Faster-Loading Web Sites http://ping.fm/aa3I8 from (Google's Web Performance Engineer)
Incompetent bosses get promoted by acting dominant (not for *being* competent) Research (Cameron Anderson, psychologist)
Real-Time Search Is Much Bigger Than Just Twitter http://bit.ly/L5C02
@marshallk i've found a lot of awesome apps this week but 1 is my favorite http://bit.ly/GiACZ rss of who faves my tweets.
The web is a living medium. It isn't like print design where once the ink hits the paper you're done. Change is the only constant webdesign
Latest Internet Stats from Google
Google is collecting internet stats from a number of third party sources covering a range of topics from macroscopic economic and media trends to how consumer behaviour and technology are changing over time.
But this is just in UK domain and not in other countries. Still, it provides some Global Facts. Some interesting facts are emerging out of this.
Internet Stats: Google
But this is just in UK domain and not in other countries. Still, it provides some Global Facts. Some interesting facts are emerging out of this.
- Users are 1.5 times more attentive when browsing YouTube than when watching TV.
- 36% of UK consumers have bought a CD after watching a music video on YouTube.
- Shoppers have become suspicious of many TV ads: in a shoppers survey by Wall Street Journal, 78% of them said that TV ads no longer have enough information they need.
- There are 1.6 billion people online worldwide, representing nearly 24% of the world's population.
Till now Data is provided by the following vendors: B2Bonline.com, BARB, BusinessWeek, Coke, Commission of the European Communities, Comscore, Core Metrics, Datamonitor, Deloitte, The Economist, eMarketer, Enders Analysis, Eurostat, Film Distributors Association, Financial Times, Forrester, GFK, Google Insights for Search, Greenbee.com, Guardian, HarvardBusiness.org, Hitwise, IAB, IFPI, IMF, Internet Retailing, Internetworldstats.com, JP Morgan, KMPG, Media & Marketing, Mediascope Europe, Mindshare, Motorola, Net Imperative, New York Magazine, Nielsen, NMA, Ofcom, Ipsos MediaCT, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, QuickPlay Media Inc., Retail Week, Reuters, TGI Net, Times Online, TNS, Verdict Research, Wall Street Journal, WARC, YouTube, ZenithOptimedia, GM
Internet Stats: Google
Google Needs Your Internet Stats
Google is asking Let us know your Internet Stats. Anyone There??
Google Trends Goes Mobile
Google Trends, one of the very useful tool on the internet goes mobile. I think a lot of people forget it exists. While Twitter might get all the press, there's no single more valuable tool than Trends to gauge what's got the public's attention. Now that it has a mobile version, I am sure I will be using it more.
And it sounds very interesting. Indian version of Google Trends shows up in a different compared to the US version of the Google Trends.
Indian version still doesn't have past trends data. US version shows links for Past Day, Week, Month.
And it sounds very interesting. Indian version of Google Trends shows up in a different compared to the US version of the Google Trends.
Indian version still doesn't have past trends data. US version shows links for Past Day, Week, Month.
Bing Slows down in the month of August 09
Bing gained a percentage of search market early in July but later decreased in August. Below are the stats from statcounter.
US Search Market
US Search Market
US Search Market
June 2009 | July 2009 | |
Bing * | 8.23% | 9.41% |
Yahoo! | 11.04% | 10.95% |
Bing * & Yahoo! Combined | 19.27% | 20.36% |
78.48% | 77.54% |
US Search Market
July 2009 | August 2009 | |
Bing | 9.41% | 9.64% |
Yahoo! | 10.95% | 10.50% |
Bing & Yahoo! Combined | 20.36% | 20.14% |
77.54% | 77.83% |
Microsoft will help feed the hungry if you drop IE6 for IE8
Microsoft has just announced that they will provide 16 meals for hungry Americans (not meant ironically) if users upgrade their browsing experience from Internet Explorer 6 to Internet Explorer 8.
During Hunger Action month, they will give 16 meals to help the 36 million Americans struggling with hunger for each person that downloads IE8 through their site.
So it seems as though it's not just web developers that are trying to rid the world of IE6 after all. This is a great programme for helping out those in need, whilst improving the overall internet experience. Kudos to Microsoft.
[Browser For the Better]
During Hunger Action month, they will give 16 meals to help the 36 million Americans struggling with hunger for each person that downloads IE8 through their site.
So it seems as though it's not just web developers that are trying to rid the world of IE6 after all. This is a great programme for helping out those in need, whilst improving the overall internet experience. Kudos to Microsoft.
[Browser For the Better]
What is Google?
Gathered some user comments from the Techcrunch article about "What is Google?".
Below are some comments.
Here is the Techcrunch article
Below are some comments.
- It’s a lot more complex than it was years ago.
- Google is an Internet Services Provider (not an ISP), in that they provide a wide array of Services available on the ‘Net…
- Google is a browser isn’t it? It’s that internet thingy that you surf the web with and even buy things.
- G is a monetary momentum monster.
- “What Is Google?” The best place to search something
- The largest monopoly that has ever existed with more power than any before it.
- Google is a self reinforcing feedback loop where shareholders steal from advertisers in order to keep the stock price artificially inflated.
- Google is a securities fraud and a monopoly that allows shareholders to control the share price via internet by clicking on paid search results.
- !microsoft
- I think Google is a company that collects, stores and helps create data, information and knowledge for others to search through or add to.
- Google is master of all search engine.
Here is the Techcrunch article
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Will Social Networking be embedded into Browsers?
Google Chrome was launched a year ago this week. Chrome concentrated much on the speed.
As internet applications running inside a browser become more complex, speed of running Javascript has become a central issue in making the web perform more effectively.
Google has shown that encryption can work inside a browser, removing the need for a PC to communicate with a server to authenticate a user, thereby speeding up the experience of an application, says Brian Rakowski, Chrome product manager.
Mozilla, the maker of the Firefox browser, says it is looking into adding a number of extra capabilities to its software. “There’s a lot of space for expansion of what it means for your browser to be your agent, to be an extension of you,” says Chris Beard, Mozilla’s chief innovation officer.
The list of things he says a browser should be able to do includes: know who you are and handle authentication on the websites you visit; keep a record of your social network so that you can interact with friends; and, make it easier to share content with your network.
Potential for “social browsers” is a hot topic in Silicon Valley.
Currently available Social Browser is Flock
Flock is a web browser built on Mozilla’s Firefox codebase that specializes in providing social networking and Web 2.0 facilities built into its user interface. Flock v2.5 was officially released on May 19, 2009
Flock 2.5 integrates social networking and media services including MySpace,Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Flickr, Blogger, Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, etc.Notably, when logging into any of the supported social services, Flock can track updates from friends: profiles, uploaded photos, and more. Flock's latest 2.5 version added Twitter Search functionality, multi-casting of status updates to multiple services, and the introduction of instant messaging via Facebook Chat in the browser.
Global Search Market Draws More than 100 Billion Searches per Month
comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world today released a study of the global search market showing that more than 113 billion searches were conducted in July 2009, representing a 41-percent increase versus year ago. Google Sites attracted significantly more searches than any other engine with 76.7 billion searches conducted, or 67.5 percent market share. Yahoo! Sites ranked second worldwide with 8.9 billion searches (7.8 percent share), followed closely by Chinese search engine Baidu with 8 billion searches (7.0 percent share). Most of the top search properties worldwide experienced significant growth in search query volume versus last year, with Russian search engine Yandex growing at the fastest rate (94 percent) among the top ten.
More info can be found in http://bit.ly/FqMq3
More info can be found in http://bit.ly/FqMq3
Growth of Google
■ Launched in 2002, Google News aggregates breaking stories from media sources around the world.
■ Google Maps and Google Earth, launched in 2005, offer an interactive map of the planet.
■ Google's acquisition in 2006 of YouTube changed the media landscape.
■ Google's 2008 acquisition of online advertising company DoubleClick gave rise to objections that the sale would give the company a near-monopoly of the online ad market and widen its scope to collect users' personal data.
■ Google Maps and Google Earth, launched in 2005, offer an interactive map of the planet.
■ Google's acquisition in 2006 of YouTube changed the media landscape.
■ Google's 2008 acquisition of online advertising company DoubleClick gave rise to objections that the sale would give the company a near-monopoly of the online ad market and widen its scope to collect users' personal data.
Review of www.FileDigg.com on IndiaStudyChannel.com website
FileDigg - Search Made Simpler
Below is the review of www.FileDigg.com on IndiaStudyChannel.com website.
www.FileDigg.com - PDF SEARCH, PPT SEARCH, DOC SEARCH, XLS SEARCH, FLASH SEARCH. All at one place...
Share your thoughts on FileDigg. Spread the word.
Below is the review of www.FileDigg.com on IndiaStudyChannel.com website.
www.FileDigg.com - PDF SEARCH, PPT SEARCH, DOC SEARCH, XLS SEARCH, FLASH SEARCH. All at one place...
Share your thoughts on FileDigg. Spread the word.
Roubini: Economic Recovery to Be 'Very Ugly'
Nouriel Roubini, the economist whose dire forecasts earned him the nickname "Doctor Doom", told CNBC Monday that the economic recovery is going to be "very ugly."
When asked about the economy Monday, Roubini said, "We may be out of a freefall for the financial system," said Roubini. "We have seen the worst in that sense. But in my view there is a sluggish U shaped recovery that might go into a W double dip if we don't fix the problems in the economy."
The global recession may end towards the end of 2009 rather than sooner and the global recovery in 2010 will be anemic and well below trend as leveraged and income/profit-challenged households, firms and financial institutions are constrained in their ability to borrow, lend and spend. Meanwhile a perfect storm of persistently large fiscal deficits and public debt accumulation, monetization of such deficits that will eventually increase expected inflation, rising government bond yields, soaring oil prices, weak profits, still falling jobs and stagnant growth has inched a little closer on the radar of this cloudy global economic outlook. It’s a storm that could blow the recovering world economy back into a double-dip recession by late 2010 or 2011. It doesn’t have to come to pass. But it is getting more likely unless a clear exit strategy from the massive monetary and fiscal stimulus is outlined even before it is implemented once a more sustained global recovery is achieved.
On investing in today's markets: "A "Stay away from risky assets. I think from now on the surprise will be on the downside in areas like commodities."
Below is his interview.
So what is your forecast for the recovery right now? I've been hearing sub par growth. What exactly does that mean?
ROUBINI: First of all, in my view the recession is going to continue through the end of the year. It's not over yet, and while potential growth rate for the U.S. economy is 3 percent, I expect that the growth rate of the economy is going to be very anemic, below trend, then on 1 percent for the next two years. Why? You have U.S. consumers are shopped out, saving less debt burden. They're not going to consume very much. Your financial system is severely damaged, and credit growth is going to be limited, and now we have also this massive re-leveraging of the public sector with a large budget deficit and increases in public debt are going to eventually crowd out the economic recovery of the private sector. So I don't see a lot of economic growth ahead of us.
Are you worried at all about a double-dip recession?
ROUBINI: Yeah, the risk is that by the end of the next year, if budget deficit remains very large, around $1.5 trillion, and if the Fed keep on monetizing them, essentially printing money to try to prevent increases in interest rates, expect that the inflation is going to go up, and if expecting inflation were to go up, long-term government bond yields would go up, and mortgage rates will go up. Borrowing costs for consumers (INAUDIBLE) will go up, and that's going to crowd out the recovery, so there's even a risk of a double-dip recession.
If your economic projections are correct and I have to point out that they are below consensus, it would seem that the stock market may have gotten way ahead of itself here at the current levels. Do you agree with that?
ROUBINI: Yes. Some increase in stock prices are justified because we avoided the risk of a near depression. That was the risk we were facing in the first quarter. But markets have gone up too much, too soon based on economic fundamentals. If the recovery is going to be weaker, therefore profits are not going to recover as fast. If you are going to have still weaknesses in the rest of the world, Europe, Japan I think there will be downside risk for the stock market from this point on.
What would you expect those stronger signs to be? What do you look for?
ROUBINI: Well, we have to look whether there's going to be any stabilization of the job market, but unfortunately I see unemployment rate well above 10 percent this year and close to 11 percent at the peak next year. We have to see a recovery of the U.S. consumer, but there's a massive weakness because of consumers being hit by default (ph) in the equity wealth, in this housing wealth, falling labor income, rising debt and debt servicing ratio (ph). That's why I'm somehow bearish about the recovery and don't expect the recovery to occur anytime soon and that's going to be a negative for the markets.
Above transcripts are taken from Video Interviews listed below:
One more video interview: http://www.pbs.org/nbr/info/local-player.html?s=nbre07s2cf0q4c4
Read More in http://www.cnbc.com/id/32012679/site/14081545
When asked about the economy Monday, Roubini said, "We may be out of a freefall for the financial system," said Roubini. "We have seen the worst in that sense. But in my view there is a sluggish U shaped recovery that might go into a W double dip if we don't fix the problems in the economy."
The global recession may end towards the end of 2009 rather than sooner and the global recovery in 2010 will be anemic and well below trend as leveraged and income/profit-challenged households, firms and financial institutions are constrained in their ability to borrow, lend and spend. Meanwhile a perfect storm of persistently large fiscal deficits and public debt accumulation, monetization of such deficits that will eventually increase expected inflation, rising government bond yields, soaring oil prices, weak profits, still falling jobs and stagnant growth has inched a little closer on the radar of this cloudy global economic outlook. It’s a storm that could blow the recovering world economy back into a double-dip recession by late 2010 or 2011. It doesn’t have to come to pass. But it is getting more likely unless a clear exit strategy from the massive monetary and fiscal stimulus is outlined even before it is implemented once a more sustained global recovery is achieved.
On investing in today's markets: "A "Stay away from risky assets. I think from now on the surprise will be on the downside in areas like commodities."
Below is his interview.
So what is your forecast for the recovery right now? I've been hearing sub par growth. What exactly does that mean?
ROUBINI: First of all, in my view the recession is going to continue through the end of the year. It's not over yet, and while potential growth rate for the U.S. economy is 3 percent, I expect that the growth rate of the economy is going to be very anemic, below trend, then on 1 percent for the next two years. Why? You have U.S. consumers are shopped out, saving less debt burden. They're not going to consume very much. Your financial system is severely damaged, and credit growth is going to be limited, and now we have also this massive re-leveraging of the public sector with a large budget deficit and increases in public debt are going to eventually crowd out the economic recovery of the private sector. So I don't see a lot of economic growth ahead of us.
Are you worried at all about a double-dip recession?
ROUBINI: Yeah, the risk is that by the end of the next year, if budget deficit remains very large, around $1.5 trillion, and if the Fed keep on monetizing them, essentially printing money to try to prevent increases in interest rates, expect that the inflation is going to go up, and if expecting inflation were to go up, long-term government bond yields would go up, and mortgage rates will go up. Borrowing costs for consumers (INAUDIBLE) will go up, and that's going to crowd out the recovery, so there's even a risk of a double-dip recession.
If your economic projections are correct and I have to point out that they are below consensus, it would seem that the stock market may have gotten way ahead of itself here at the current levels. Do you agree with that?
ROUBINI: Yes. Some increase in stock prices are justified because we avoided the risk of a near depression. That was the risk we were facing in the first quarter. But markets have gone up too much, too soon based on economic fundamentals. If the recovery is going to be weaker, therefore profits are not going to recover as fast. If you are going to have still weaknesses in the rest of the world, Europe, Japan I think there will be downside risk for the stock market from this point on.
What would you expect those stronger signs to be? What do you look for?
ROUBINI: Well, we have to look whether there's going to be any stabilization of the job market, but unfortunately I see unemployment rate well above 10 percent this year and close to 11 percent at the peak next year. We have to see a recovery of the U.S. consumer, but there's a massive weakness because of consumers being hit by default (ph) in the equity wealth, in this housing wealth, falling labor income, rising debt and debt servicing ratio (ph). That's why I'm somehow bearish about the recovery and don't expect the recovery to occur anytime soon and that's going to be a negative for the markets.
Above transcripts are taken from Video Interviews listed below:
One more video interview: http://www.pbs.org/nbr/info/local-player.html?s=nbre07s2cf0q4c4
Read More in http://www.cnbc.com/id/32012679/site/14081545
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