Obama takes oath again, faithfully this time

A day after he and Chief Justice John Roberts stumbled over the words, Obama decides to do it over to remove any doubt about the legitimacy of his presidency.

President Obama took the oath of office Tuesday outside the Capitol, as millions watched in person and on TV. He took it again Wednesday night -- this time in the privacy of the White House, with only a few aides and reporters looking on.

The second time around, they both got it right.

The president's lawyer and constitutional experts agreed that taking the oath a second time was unnecessary. Under the Constitution, Obama became president at noon Tuesday, a few minutes before he placed his hand on a Bible to take the oath.

"Congratulations, again," the chief justice said, smiling.

"Thank you, sir," Obama replied.

At least two presidents, Calvin Coolidge and Chester A. Arthur, took the oath a second time after questions were raised