GooglenGoogle Team wishes you Happy Holi. Search GooglenGoogle in Colors


Hi ,

We would like to knock at your webpage as we bring a new look to the way you search and visualize the results.

On Holi we would like to bring you GooglenGoogle in Colors.
GooglenGoogle - A customized, simpler and colorful google search engine.

Search in colors, search for documents with in a click of a mouse. Get latest search results by time within a click of mouse.

If you like it, Share with your friends and Celebrate Holi with GooglenGoogle.
Contribute for the promotion of GooglenGoogle by providing your valuable suggestions. Just by replying to this mail.

Search in Black and save energy –

Search in Blue and be refreshed –

Search in Lawn Green and be Pleasant –

Search in Magenta The Color of Brain -

Search in Mustard Something Different -

Computers Search – Search for laptops, computers and other computer related items. Get reviews within a click.

Electronics Search – Search for mobile phones, lcd’s and other electronic goods.

Sports Search - Search for sports related stuff with ease.

Education Search

Search for Shopping

GooglenGoogle Team.